The blodi project
Half of the population menstruates and yet we still do not talk about it normally: menstruation is still a taboo. This has led to misinformation, shame, fear, discomfort and even health problems.
We created The Blodi Project to generate conversations and offer a space for all those who want to destigmatize menstruation. It is inclusive, offers experiences, discloses and shares testimonies. The Blodi Project is community.
We have raised our voice through a virtual platform that is close, transparent, human, participatory and that shows the most real side of menstruating people. Besides, we transform this virtual community into a physical one through an icon: The Blodi Jug.
An object that inspires, provokes and starts conversations. We chose the jug because it is one of the central items on a table: it serves as a container for different drinks, just like the uterus contains the menstruation.
Interesting and engaging content raises questions and makes our community learn and grow. With a holistic approach we can reach not only young people by using virtual tools, but also other kinds of targets by designing for the physical world too.
The blodi jug
Community, product design, 2022. Project carried out together with Clàudia Anguera, Sofia Blanc, Èlia Camin, Helena Elizondo, Maider Jimeno, Clàudia Peraire, Brenda Palomino at ELISAVA University of Design and Engineering Barcelona.