Roofless Cages (Gàbies a cel obert). The body as a tool for measuring violence, insecurity and freedom in public spaces
Roofless Cages is a nine-month personal experimentation to explore how the inherent design of public spaces conditions the freedom of our bodies based on the perception of security in day-to-day urban scenarios. The research involved recording the different ways of exposing the body, sexual assaults experienced on the streets of Poble Sec, Barcelona such as intimidating glances, offensive comments dressed as “compliments” to even physical contact. The more the body was exposed, the more violence was experienced.
The perception of security, or rather the lack of it, potentially shapes our experiences in public spaces. This fear of sexual violence, which attacks the most intimate part of our bodies, largely determines how we use such spaces and adapt or limit our daily lives around it.
part 1_experimentation
Use of the Christian Nold's Emotional Mapping method
Illustrated scenes
part 2_research
Heights analysis of the Laribal Gardens, Barcelona. Paper model 1:1000
Space design strategies for protection, security and power and phisical similarities with the studied context: Poble Sec and Montjuïc, Barcelona.
Turó de la Rovira anti-aircraft battery. Photo by Ricard Martínez, 2008-Fons Brangulí Fotògrafs/ANC, 1939.
Fundació Miró y and the balcony to Barcelona. March 2022
Control tower. Barcelona,
El Prat Airport, 2018
Miró Foundation, March 2022
Santa Olalla Castle, Huelva, 2015
Laribal Gardens, Barcelona, March 2022
German Trenches on the Aisne, 1916.
Laribal Gardens, March 2022
Battlements and Merlons. Cuellas Wall at Segovia.
Miró Foundation, March 2022
Burladero by Fenixael, 2013
Birds Observatory, Empordà, April 2022
Greek Theatre, Barcelona, March 2022
Roses Castle, Empordà, April 2022
Miró Foundation, March 2022
MUHBA. Antiaricraft Shelter 307, Poble Sec, Barcelona, Juan Miguel Gorrin, 2014
Venta la Vera Bunker, Spain
La Model Prison in Barcelona, 2020
Montjuic Castle, Barcelona 2020
part 3_intervention
Suspended volumes, transparencies and tensions: a spatial intervention generates situations of visibility, invisibility, power and vulnerability. It is based on an analysis of the exposure of the body, the spaces of power and security strategies which are reproduced in a gesture that stages the oppression of the body. It aims to reflect the conceptual and physical limitations from the patriarchal vision that shapes our reality and right to the city.
1:30 models - Fragments of the intervention / Jaula-nube, Chema Madoz, 2004 / Louise Bourgeois, Cell XXV The View of the World of the Jealous Wife, 2001
Download the project book _ Available in Catalan
Ei!Awards exhibition, 11th edition 2022, Elisava, Barcelona, October-November 2022
Selected project at Ei!Awards 2022. Final degree thesis, Elisava University of Design and Engineering Barcelona // Design For City Making x Fundació Miró x Poble Sec x Elisava